Using GitHub to Collaborate
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01. Lesson 3 Introduction
02. Intro to GitHub
03. Creating a GitHub Account
04. Keeping Repositories in Sync
05. Adding a Remote
06. Editing Files on GitHub
07. Reflect: When to Use a Remote Repository
08. Pulling Changes
09. Concept Map: GitHub, Push, Pull, Remote
10. Reflect: Manual vs. Automatic Pull
11. Forking a Repository
12. Fork the Recipes Repository
13. Push Changes to the Recipes Repository
14. Reflect: Forks, Clones, and Branches
15. Collaborations Cause Conflict
16. Change the Chili Recipe
17. Sarah Changes the Chili Recipe
18. Simulate Sarah's Changes
19. Updating Local Copies of Remote Branches
20. Merging the Changes Together
21. Fast-Forward Merges
22. Reflect: Local Copies of Remote Branches
23. Making a Pull Request
24. Updating a Pull Request
25. Reflect: Collaboration Using GitHub
26. Conflicting Changes
27. Updating Your Local Repository
28. Merging a Pull Request
29. Concept Map: Fork, Fetch, Pull Request
30. Interview with Brent Beer of GitHub
31. Reflect: When to Use a Separate Branch
32. Modifying the Adventure Repository
33. Keeping a Fork Up-To-Date
34. Lesson 3 Summary
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12. Fork the Recipes Repository
Fork the Recipes Repository
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Larry's repository on GitHub can be found